環亞物業拍賣有限公司 AA Property Auctioneers Ltd.
  物業拍賣 公司簡介 精選樓盤 買家須知 委託拍賣詳情 拍賣條款 聯絡我們  
競投者/買家須知 Bidder / Purchaser Notice
  1. 物業是依據賣方代表律師所審核之拍賣章程內之一般及特別拍賣條款出售,如一般及特別拍賣條款是以中英文編制印制的, 若有不同之處或引起糾紛,則以英文本為準。
    The Property is sold according to the terms / clause of the General and special Conditions of Sale, which are verified by the Vendor’s Solicitors. Provided that General and Special Conditions are printed in English and Chinese, and in case any difference or dispute shall arise as to the construction thereof, the English text only shall apply and prevail.
  2. 有關物業之拍賣條款可於拍賣前到本公司或於拍賣會場接待處領取。任何人仕如對拍賣條款有任何疑問,應自行查證及尋求適當之法律意見才作出競投。
    All the intended bidders shall collect the Conditions of Sale in our office or in the reception of the venue. Intending bidder(s) / purchaser(s) should rely on their own inspection and verification and should satisfy themselves on all matters, and where necessary, consult their own legal / professional advisers before they bid.
  3. 所有競投者應委託其代表律師在拍賣前對其競投物業之業權及契據進行查察。競投者如未經查察而在拍賣會競投物業應自行承擔其風險,任何買家於拍賣師落鎚後必須接受其競投物業之業權及契據並不能對其物業之業權及契據進行質詢。而物業之有關契據,在拍賣前可在賣方律師樓供買家查閱(如有的話)。
    All the intended bidders shall instruct their own legal representatives to inspect the title deeds and verify the titles to the properties. Intended bidders who choose not to inspect the title deeds and not to verify the titles to properties are at their own risk. Upon the dropping of the hammer, the respective bidder / purchaser is deemed to have accepted the title to the property and no requisition shall be raised by the respective bidder / purchaser. The title deeds of the properties are available for inspection at the offices of the Vendors’ solicitors (if any).
  4. 再者,競投者應在競投前對其競投之物業已進行視察並滿意物業之狀況才作出競投,賣方並不保證物業並無違例之建築,加建或改建,亦不保證物業之興建符合建築條例(Cap.123),買家不得對物業之違例建築,加建或改建進行質詢或藉詞拒絕交易。
    Further, all the intended bidders shall conduct physical inspections of the properties that they wish to bid for. The Vendors give no warranty as to whether there exists any illegal structure/alteration in the properties. The Vendors would NOT give any warranty that the structures of the properties are in compliance with the Buildings Ordinance (Cap. 123). The bidder(s) / purchaser(s) shall not raise any requisition regarding illegal structure/alteration nor refuse to complete the purchase on similar grounds.
  5. 拍賣物業是限有底價以價高者得,賣主有權將該物業於未賣實或未到底價前收回並不須宣佈底價。
    Subject to a reserve price, the highest approved bidder being so allowed by the Auctioneer shall be the Purchaser thereof. The Vendor reserves the right to withdraw the sale of the Property any time before the same is actually sold or have not hit the reserve price and without declaring the reserve price.
  6. 於下槌後成功投得物業者必須即時按一般及特別拍賣條款之規定以現金或銀行本票或支票繳付購買價10%作為訂金予賣主及1%(最低收費為港幣壹萬元正)作為佣金予代理人並簽署 內附合約以完成整個拍賣程序
    The Purchaser shall immediately on fall of the hammer pay to Vendor a deposit equivalent to 10% of the purchase money and our company a commission equivalent to 1% of the purchase money (subject to a minimum charge of HK$10,000.00) in cash or by cashier order or cheque and sign the Memorandum of Agreement in the form annexed hereto to complete the purchase according to the General Conditions of Sale and Special Conditions of Sale.
  7. 凡成功投得物業者,必須提供証明文件以便簽署合約
    The Purchaser shall provide document for signing the Memorandum of Agreement, If buying in the name of :-
    Personal : I. D. Card / Passport
    Company : A Valid Business Registration, Certifiate of Incorporation, Certificed Copy of Annual Return, a minutes of Directors’ meeting for consent such purchase, Company chop and I.D. Card / Passport of the Purchaser.
  8. 公開拍賣會開始後凡舉手競投物業者,均被視作明瞭及接受上述事項及拍賣章程內所列之條款(競投者不得要求修改拍賣章程內之任何條款)
    In the Public Auction, the bidder(s) shall be deemed to have fully understood and accepted the notice of above-mentioned and clause of General and Special Conditions of Sale (Bidder shall have no right to request amending any terms / clause of the General and Special Conditions of Sale).


環亞物業拍賣 2003 - 2024 年版權所有不得轉載
